This is a photograph by Willamain Somma. The subject of the picture is that woman wading in the water in what appears to be a raincoat. In the distance, we can see, but not quite make out, a dark area on the water. Is this where she's going? What is it? Did she lose a bet or something? I love pictures that include water, and I like the fog in this picture a lot. It makes the photo look a bit bleak, but I also think the there's something tongue-in-cheek about this determined woman just wading along in her yellow raincoat. At any rate, the yellow adds a lot of visual interest to a photograph which would not otherwise be very colorful.

I couldn't find the title of this picture, but the photographer's name is Andy Morley-Hall. Naturally the most obvious part of the photograph is the woman standing on the metal rod. It certainly begs the question; "what is she doing?" In and of itself, I find that part interesting. However, that's not the part of the picture I like the most. As I said, I really like pictures of water, and there's plenty of that here. It looks very serene out on the bay, like the sort of time swimming would be a lot of fun, and the lights onshore can be seen reflected off the water, a touch I really like. Finally, I like the way she is all black and we can't see anything other than her outline against the sea and sky. The color contrast is very appealing to me.
Cole Blondin