Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sydney Duncan: Assignment 2

I think this photo is usual in an unusual way because it gets a good look at the horse. But the photographer also decided to add a very dark space to te left, probably to show that there is something in the dark area that he wants people to see. He/she didn't want all of the attention to be on the horse, but wanted his/her viewers to be thinking more about this photo and what he/she might've been thinking about when they took the picture. It's a good picture because it shows all the details of the horse and where it's placed. But I also like it because of what the photographer might've been thinking about adding that black area to the photo

1 comment:

  1. the horse in the corner makes the picture a little darker, along with the random light in the background. It's almost saying that there is nothing left in the world, like there is no light left to light it up.
