Saturday, February 26, 2011

Assignment #2

I found this picture interesting because of the viewpoint. It is taken really close to the calf''s eye, and with the hair all around the eye, it is difficult to distinguish what the picture is. I also think that it kind of captures and emotion of the animal, by taking it up so close and a personal picture of it's eye. I really like taking pictures of animals, so this picture appealed to me for that reason and also because of the unusualness of the picture.

Assignment #2

I thought this picture was really different because with the way it was taken, I didn't even realize it was a bird until I read the description. I'm guessing that it was taken with a slow shutter speed, and that's why some of the picture is blurry and some isn't. It also adds some theatric element with the black and white, sets kind of a dark or questioning mood with the color choice. I also think the photographer chose an odd angle to take the picture from, and it looks like the bird is flying toward the camera.

'An Afternoon Bird'
Taken by David Jaewon Oh

Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo #1 -
This photographer used repetition to attract the viewers attention. Using the repetition, or similarity in the background, they make the two or three trees in the front draw the viewer's attention more.

Photo #2 -
This photographer used different textures, and not necessarily objects in the image. The different textures can also have a more of a response from the viewer. They also can define the lines between subject matter, and make some things pop more then others.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I chose this photo because it is interesting because it is a old building with bright colors and this photo is unsual because it has a half lady on the post abd there is a lot of red on the walls.

John Capen

This picture is unusual because the tunnel is sideways towards the bottom a little bit. It is unusual because there is a dirt pile on top of the tunnel. This picture is taken from distance and the photographer was most definetly standing when taking this picture. This picture is unusual because the picture looks like it is sideways. I liked the colors and the way that the tunnel looked.

John Capen

When the photographer took this picture he/she focused on McDonalds Welcome sign. It is unusual that there is the fence near the McDonalds sign. The picture is unusual becaus the background is black and white and the McDonalds sign is in color. I liked the shapes in this picture.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I picked this photo because it is different then normal photos and its unusual. This photo is a close up on the Whale and the small fish. Another reason I like this photo is it would be hard to take a photo of a whale in the ocean.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Assignment #2 Amanda Liguori

I chose this photo called "Puddle Reflection" because it is really interesting to look at, you dont normally see a person with their head cropped out and then the head on the ground. Its cool, i think. Some important decision tools used were camera tilt and what not to include (the head).

I chose this photo titled "Unusual Transportation" because we never see the road from this view, unless on a plane. We are used to seeing it from a straight on view, not a birds eye view. I was interested in this because its so busy and it makes me want to follow all the roads with my eyes. its cool to see what busy highways look like from above. Some important decision tools used were birds eye view and camera tilt. camera tilt is important because it creates sort of a cross with the wide highway and the two parallel highways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Marie Guillette Assignment #2

I really like this photo because when you go to the beach you never think about taking a look back at your footsteps, and actually taking a picture of them. I like how the photographer included only a part of the water and not using the water as the background or the entire landscape. The viewpoint of a bird really makes the footprint pop because its not the biggest thing in the picture, but from this view, it makes it look pretty important in the picture. Having the camera in the vertical position really adds depth to the picture.

Sydney Duncan: Assignment 2

I think this photo is usual in an unusual way because it gets a good look at the horse. But the photographer also decided to add a very dark space to te left, probably to show that there is something in the dark area that he wants people to see. He/she didn't want all of the attention to be on the horse, but wanted his/her viewers to be thinking more about this photo and what he/she might've been thinking about when they took the picture. It's a good picture because it shows all the details of the horse and where it's placed. But I also like it because of what the photographer might've been thinking about adding that black area to the photo

Marie Guillette Assignment #2

I like this photo because when you first look at it, you have no idea what it actually is. but when you look at it for a while, you can see that it's ice on the sice of a tree. I like how the photographer included some part of the tree, but didn't include the entire thing (camera-subject distance). When I firsst looked at this picture, I didn't know what the camera direction was, and I still have no clue if it's vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

Sydney Duncan: Assignment 2

I really like this picture because it shows all the details of the logs and if they're old or not. I think the photographer worked well with what else to include (he included some of the dock in the background). He/she also had a good camera direction because if the photo was taken any other way, it wouldn't have as much of an affect as it does with the direction being horizontal.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wendy James KEITH CARTER "Inner Tube"

Keith Carter's photo captured the moment in this pool scene. His technique of selectively focusing creates a dream/memory effect. The figures are unrecognizable, allowing us to easily substitute our own story here. This reminds me of a circus act or magician's magic trick (only half of the girl). She is suspended in midair indefinitely. Intriguing lighting, spotlighting her heels and tube. Maybe I will try selectively blurring parts of my images in Photoshop.
There are a lot of things going on in this picture but the one thing that stood out in this picture was the lake. Within the green of the trees and the grays and whites of the rocks, I think that it was smart for the photographer to make this picture a bird's view so that you can have a bunch of colors incorporated into the picture, so they could make the lakes color stand out. Another thing I noticed that I think I would use in my pictures is how you can see the shadows of the clouds on the lake, and on the tree lines.

The photographer used a lot of different tools when taking this picture. They had the subject matters'(the light post) focal point placement off to the bottom left to draw your eyes to it. They also played with the camera-subject distance. They obviously zoomed in on the light post because all you can see is the top of it, and not the pole or the ground. Another thing I noticed is they sort of blurred the trees in the background to make the light post really stand out. Also I think its cool how they left the picture as is with the writing on the bottom of the light bulb visible.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hey guys,

If you check out the left hand side of the blog, there's a column at the very top called "pages". All of the assignments as well as links to photo sites will be posted there from now on!

Have a great weekend!
I pick this picture for many reasons. The first reason is that it makes me feel like i'm traveling. the second is that the picture is from a worms view and it really helps the photo stand out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Many colors

I really like this picture because it has a lot of differnet colors and I also like it because it is hard to tell what it is.

Gloria Assignment #1

Moonrise over Hemandez, New Mexico, 1942
By Ansel Adams
I chose this photo because it is so peaceful and serene. It reminds me of those nights that are restless and there is a full moon making everything have and eerie, celestial glow. I think I could use the moon in my own photography because I live in an area where the moon is always visible and beautiful.

Nicola Kast, 1982

This photo caught my attention because of the intricate needles and the spiderweb of branches in the background. I like this photo because I enjoy nature and trees, because they can make almost any picture interesting. Also the black and white of the picture gives it a new element because it brings out the contrast on sky and trees that could be normally missed with color. I could use this strategy in my photography to help enhance the pictures I take if the material is right.