Thursday, April 7, 2011

Candid Photography

Candid photography is best described as un-posed and unplanned, immediate and unobtrusive. This is in contrast to classic photography, which includes aspects such as carefully staged portrait photography, landscape photography or object photography. Candid photography catches moments of life from immersion in it.

I chose Wedding Photography as the first type of photography. Different photographers use different styles ranging from the old set up shots to new modern and artistic approaches.

The second i chose was underwater photography. Underwater photography is a way to get a very artistic approach at a subject. it is becoming more common for cameras to have underwater housing such as the common go-pro

Underwater Photography

I chose Underwater Photography to research. Underwater photography is particularly diffucult because of all of the equipment needed. It is also difficult to capture a good picture when your subject is marine life, as they are pretty unpredictable. Another difficult aspect of underwater photography is getting the exposure right. It takes a lot of technique to balance the sunlight and flash to get a good picture.

Photography Terms

I chose Wildlife Photography to research. Wildlife photography is just taking pictures of wild animals. It may sound easy but it is actually a very crafty hobby. Wild animals are very hard to approach, and it is therefore pretty difficult to get a good picture. It also helps to have a general knowledge of the animal you are taking pictures of so you can predict their actions.

Assignment #3

Food Photography--

Food photgraphy is a commericalized style of photography when photogaphers use food (still life) and make them look extremely appeitizing for menus, resturants, TV, and cookbooks!

Nature Photography--

Nature Photography is the style where photographers go out into nature (hence the name) and take beautiful and interesting photos of plants, animals, and landscapes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Night Photography

Night Photography is when you take pictures at the night time. Night Photographers usnally have a choice between using aritifical light. They also use a long exposure to capture a usable image.


Photogram is a photographic image without using a camera by placing a object onto the suface of a photographic paper, then expose it to LIGHT. The result is a nagitve shadow image vaying in tone.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sydney Duncan: Assignment #3

Aerial photography is the kind of photography where you take pictures of the ground from a highly elevated position. The cameras can be hand-held or mounted, and they may be taken by a photographer. Platforms that are used for aerial photography include aircraft, helicopters, hot-air balloons, blimps and rockets, kites, parachutes,as well as vehicle mounted poles. Pictures of anything above the ground can be taken in this kind of photography. And it shows a unique way of looking at things from up high.

Sydney Duncan: Assignment #3

Fire photography is the kind of photography where people take pictures of fire incidents in action. These kind of people are called fire photographers. As we all know, fire situations are very dangerous; so even these photographers need to have all the special skills and have all of the knowledge about emergency incidents. These people probably risk their life all the time with this kind of photography. But if it's something that they love to catch through the camera, then they probably don't care what kind of situation they're in.

Assignment 3- Claire Kelly

Fine Art Photography are photos that are created by the photographer in order to portray their creative vision as an artist. Although it is mainly a photographers vision, it can also be used to support certain causes such as conservation. One of the most popualr fine art photographer is Ansel Adams.

Vernacular Photography is the creation of pictures by amateur photographers who use everyday items as their subjects. Examples of this style include travel, pictures of friends, family portraits and photo-booth images. Vernacular art is sometimes called accidental art, because they are unintentional and artistic at the same time.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stock Photography

Stock Photography is a series of photographs licensed for specific users. Stock images can currently be found in searchable online databases, and they can also be purchased or downloaded online. Usually the photos are taken in a studio with models posing as professionals, stereotypes, or involving pets. These photos can also include pictures of groups of people gathered at an event, and are avaliable for download.

Lisa Ashley

High Speed Photography

High speed photography is taking a series of pictures very fast. The number of pictures usually taken is 128 frames per second or more. It has two general meanings. One meaning is that the photo is taken so that it freezes motion without blur. The second way is capturing many frames at a frame rate. The first thing that high speed photography was used for was by a scientist to figure out if all of a horse's feet were off the ground when they were galloping.

Lisa Ashley

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

fine art photography

Fine art photography is taking pictures of motions,travel, street landscape. Fine art photography is hard to define. Fine art photography is absolute beauty.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Assignment 3 - Katie Weed

Cloudscape photography:
Cloudscape photography is simply photography of clouds or sky. A couple of notable cloudscape photographers are Leonard Misonne and Alfred Stieglitz. Misonn was noted for his black and white photos of heavy skies and dark clouds. Stieglitz was noted for recreating many equivalents of clouds. (An equivalent is a series of photos)

Forensic Photography:
Forensic photography is the act of recreating a scene or accident. Usually this scene is a crime scene and the photographs are used in court or to aid a criminal investigation. The photographs are images of the victims, place, or items involved in the crime. A couple of things to keep in mind when doing this sort of photography are correct lighting, accurate angling of lenses, and a variety of different viewpoints.

Friday, March 25, 2011

ASSIGNMENT #3 Amanda Liguori

Aerial photography:

Aerial photography is taking pictures from above the subject in an elevated possition. When people take photos in this manner, the camera is usually not supported by a ground-based structure. The cameras however may be hand held or mounted. Photos can be taken by a photographer, triggered remotely or triggered automatically.

Cloudscape photography:

Cloudscape photography is basically just photos of clouds. These photos can be taken in a sequence, viewing the same cloud or clouds over a period of time, or they can be taken once of one cloud in a pretty scene (like a sunset or in the moonlight).

fire photography

I chos fire photography because I find it interesting . It was interesting because I eike fires. Fire photography is taking pictures of fire. It can be dengerous to get colse to the fire. fire photographers need to know how to be safe in case they get hurt. Thy also need to ware firefighters protective gear If fire photographers wand to take pictures for news/news papers then they need to have a eiscence.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Assignment 3

Post-Mortem Photography:

Post-Mortem Photography is the practice of photographing those who have died recently. When it first began in the mid-1800s, it was used as a way for families to immortalize their dead relatives. The dead were photographed quite soon after they died, and were typically depicted in the clothes they died in, without a coffin present. More recently, Post-Mortem Photography has been used as an art form, but it is highly frowned upon and very controversial.

Kite Aerial Photography:

Kite Aerial Photography is when a camera is raised on a kite and triggered remotely to take pictures. It is a common alternative to Aerial Photography. There are a wide variety of mechanisms used in Kite Photography, ranging from simple kites and triggers with disposable to cameras to radio controlled digital cameras. The best kites for Kite Aerial Photography are the most stable, which can thus produce the clearest shots. Kite photography was first done in 1887 by a Briton named Douglas Archibald.

Assignment #3 Marie Guillette

High Speed Photography is the science of taking pictures of very fast phenonmena. It's the opposite of time-lapse photography. Common usage, high speed photography may refer to either or both of the following meanings. The first is that the photograph itself may be taken in a way as to appear to freeze the motion, especially to reduce motion blur. The second is that a series of photographs may be taken at a high sampling frequency or frame rate. The first requires a sensor with good sensitivity and either a very good shuttering system or a very fast strobe light. The second requires some means of capturing successive frames, either with a mechanical device or by moving data off electronic sensors very quickly

Underwater photography is the process of taking photos while underwater. It's usually done while scuba-diving, but can be done while snorkeling or swimming. Despite these challenges, it offers the possibility of many exciting and rare photographic opportunities. Animals such as fish and marine mamals are the most common subjects, but photographers also pursue shipwrecks, submerged cave systems, underwater "landscapes", and portrates of fellow divers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vernacular Photography: The common definition of the word "vernacular" is having an indigenous or native quality. But, Vernacular Photography, which is also known as amateur photography, is the creation of photographs that are taken by everyday, ordinary, or unknown photographers that take photographs of common, everyday things.

Candid Photography: Candid Photography is photography that focuses mainly on the impulse to take a picture, instead of focusing on the techniques that could be used to take the picture. For example this type of photography would not be considered a photograph that was taken on account of the fact that the scene, or stage was set up or planned. It is sort of like a spur of the moment photograph.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Assigntment #3; Hanna.

Fire Photography.

Fire Photography is taking pictures of firefighting "operations." Fire photographers must have special skills and knowledge, do to the conditions that they are around while photographing. Most of the times the photographers will be required to wear fire equipment to protect themselves.

Fashion Photography.

Fashion photography is taking photographs of clothing or models, mostly for advertisement or magazines. It started in the 1830's. Fashion photographs started being put into magazines in the 20th century, starting a chain of magazines such as La mode and Vogue to start using fashion photography.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unusual Photo

I chose this photo because it shows a waterfall but you wouldn't see a water fall in this way. thats why its unusual. i really like the beauty it shows. the water looks really pure he way its falling and lit up.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This photograph by Matt Stuart is a great example of a "usual seen in an unusual way" photo, and is very visually interesting. The most important decision tool the photographer used was to lower his camera to the ground, thus allowing the viewer to see only the feet of the subjects, as well as giving a good look at the lines and texture of the pavement. Another decision tool that came into play was "what else to include" (or in this case, what NOT to include). The photographer cut the heads of his subjects out of the picture. This incites some curiosity in the viewer, and highlights the more important parts of the image: the lines of the subjects legs and the color contrast.

The photographer here used his decisions to make a boring and generic lamp into interesting subject matter. First, he held the camera at a very weird diagonal angle. This allowed him to exploit negative space offered by the sky and place the building in an interesting location relative to the lamppost. Second, he used a worm's view. This gives the viewer a good view of the yellow focal point, and thus adds color contrast. It also includes a lot of the sky and prevents the shot from feeling busy or congested.

Monday, March 7, 2011

In this picture there are two major things that it an example of "seeing the usual in an unusual way," the first being the point of view. The photographer was low to the ground and looking up. The second thing that's important is the lens chosen. The artist used a fish-eye lens to get more in the shot while being closer and to distort the trees.

I chose this because the artist could only achieve this effect of glassy water and blurred clouds by leaving the shutter open for a long time. Also the artist chose to include the ice in the foreground instead of getting rid of it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is my second example of seeing the Usual in an Unusual way in which the photographer uses three different decision tools. 1. The first tool is Viewpoint. When the photographer took this picture, he was level with his Focal Point. 2. the second tool is Focal Point Placement. The most important part of the picture(which is the fish that is centered vertically on the photo with the largest stripe of yellow scales) is off-centered to the left a little. 3. Lastly, the third tool is Camera-Subject Distance. The photographer is close up to the Focal Point(the fish)

This is my second example of seeing the Usual in an Unusual way. The photographer uses two different decision tools in the picture. 1. The first is Focal Point Placement. The most important part of the photo(in this case the moon) is directly in the center of the photo. 2.The second is Viewpoint. The photographer is just about level with the moon when they took this picture.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Assignment #2

This photo is a good example of Usual in an Unusual Way because of:
Viewpoint- Everything is mini, so the photographer made you feel like you were almost part of the scene.
Focal Point Placement- The focal point is the bright blue house, but with a contrasting colored house behind it your eye is drawn to the read house and so on throughout the picture.
Subject Distance- The photographer chose the distance between the little neighborhood and the camera to make it look like you were the creator of it.

This photo is also a great example of Usual in an Unusual Way because of it's:
Coloring: The photographer made the colors all compliment each other and your eye is drawn to the center of the photo where the water meets the sky.
Camera Direction: The camera is slightly offset giving you the thought that maybe you're about to go under water.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Assignment #2- Claire Kelly

The main decison tool I think that the photographer used was what other things to include. If the photographer had chosen to use the rest of the person's body, the picture would be boring, and wouldnt be as interesting as this is. This is considered a "usual seen in an unusual way" picture, because it is an object or task that many people have to do, but just shown in a different way.

One decision tool that the photographer used to take this picture was viewpoint, in which he used a worms-eye view. Using this tool makes the road seem very wide and the top of the hill looks farther away than it actually is. This photo is considered "usual seen in a unusual way" because the photographer took an everyday subject, and made it look different than it normally would look.

Assignment 2 - Katie Weed

I think the biggest decision tool used here is what other things to include. I think this picture would have a completely different meaning if the persons body was also included. By only including the subject's arms, the focus of the picture is mainly on the bird tattoo.

This photo is an example of seeing the usual in an unusual way because it takes an ordinary household object (matches in this case) and makes something beautiful out of them. The camera-subject distance is close up making the focus solely on the heart. I like how the view point is almost level and at a slight angle.

Assignment #2 (Lisa Ashley)

The focal point of the photo is the old man in the center of the photo. When you first look at it, that is what catches your eye right off. The decision tool used to take this photo is focal point placement. The focal point is placed right in the center of the image. If the focal point was placed off center, you would loose the affect of the old barn and the license plates covering the door. Again, in this photo, the decision tool used makes the photo great.

Assignment #2 (Lisa Ashley)

This photo uses the decision tool of camera-subject distance. There is not very much distance between the camera and the subject, so this photo was taken very close up. Because the picture is close up, you can see all the detail of the flower. If the picture wasn't taken close-up, it would just be a flower and it wouldn't be nearly as pretty. The decision tool makes this photo.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Assignment #2

I found this picture interesting because of the viewpoint. It is taken really close to the calf''s eye, and with the hair all around the eye, it is difficult to distinguish what the picture is. I also think that it kind of captures and emotion of the animal, by taking it up so close and a personal picture of it's eye. I really like taking pictures of animals, so this picture appealed to me for that reason and also because of the unusualness of the picture.

Assignment #2

I thought this picture was really different because with the way it was taken, I didn't even realize it was a bird until I read the description. I'm guessing that it was taken with a slow shutter speed, and that's why some of the picture is blurry and some isn't. It also adds some theatric element with the black and white, sets kind of a dark or questioning mood with the color choice. I also think the photographer chose an odd angle to take the picture from, and it looks like the bird is flying toward the camera.

'An Afternoon Bird'
Taken by David Jaewon Oh

Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo #1 -
This photographer used repetition to attract the viewers attention. Using the repetition, or similarity in the background, they make the two or three trees in the front draw the viewer's attention more.

Photo #2 -
This photographer used different textures, and not necessarily objects in the image. The different textures can also have a more of a response from the viewer. They also can define the lines between subject matter, and make some things pop more then others.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I chose this photo because it is interesting because it is a old building with bright colors and this photo is unsual because it has a half lady on the post abd there is a lot of red on the walls.

John Capen

This picture is unusual because the tunnel is sideways towards the bottom a little bit. It is unusual because there is a dirt pile on top of the tunnel. This picture is taken from distance and the photographer was most definetly standing when taking this picture. This picture is unusual because the picture looks like it is sideways. I liked the colors and the way that the tunnel looked.

John Capen

When the photographer took this picture he/she focused on McDonalds Welcome sign. It is unusual that there is the fence near the McDonalds sign. The picture is unusual becaus the background is black and white and the McDonalds sign is in color. I liked the shapes in this picture.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I picked this photo because it is different then normal photos and its unusual. This photo is a close up on the Whale and the small fish. Another reason I like this photo is it would be hard to take a photo of a whale in the ocean.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Assignment #2 Amanda Liguori

I chose this photo called "Puddle Reflection" because it is really interesting to look at, you dont normally see a person with their head cropped out and then the head on the ground. Its cool, i think. Some important decision tools used were camera tilt and what not to include (the head).

I chose this photo titled "Unusual Transportation" because we never see the road from this view, unless on a plane. We are used to seeing it from a straight on view, not a birds eye view. I was interested in this because its so busy and it makes me want to follow all the roads with my eyes. its cool to see what busy highways look like from above. Some important decision tools used were birds eye view and camera tilt. camera tilt is important because it creates sort of a cross with the wide highway and the two parallel highways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Marie Guillette Assignment #2

I really like this photo because when you go to the beach you never think about taking a look back at your footsteps, and actually taking a picture of them. I like how the photographer included only a part of the water and not using the water as the background or the entire landscape. The viewpoint of a bird really makes the footprint pop because its not the biggest thing in the picture, but from this view, it makes it look pretty important in the picture. Having the camera in the vertical position really adds depth to the picture.

Sydney Duncan: Assignment 2

I think this photo is usual in an unusual way because it gets a good look at the horse. But the photographer also decided to add a very dark space to te left, probably to show that there is something in the dark area that he wants people to see. He/she didn't want all of the attention to be on the horse, but wanted his/her viewers to be thinking more about this photo and what he/she might've been thinking about when they took the picture. It's a good picture because it shows all the details of the horse and where it's placed. But I also like it because of what the photographer might've been thinking about adding that black area to the photo

Marie Guillette Assignment #2

I like this photo because when you first look at it, you have no idea what it actually is. but when you look at it for a while, you can see that it's ice on the sice of a tree. I like how the photographer included some part of the tree, but didn't include the entire thing (camera-subject distance). When I firsst looked at this picture, I didn't know what the camera direction was, and I still have no clue if it's vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

Sydney Duncan: Assignment 2

I really like this picture because it shows all the details of the logs and if they're old or not. I think the photographer worked well with what else to include (he included some of the dock in the background). He/she also had a good camera direction because if the photo was taken any other way, it wouldn't have as much of an affect as it does with the direction being horizontal.